

By December 19, 2018 March 3rd, 2020 No Comments

Most New Year resolutions are to quit smoking, lose weight, make new friends, start up another business etc. but this article will be give you impactful resolutions for your business that will bring positive changes to your business.

If you are ready to make positive and powerful changes, this article will explain nine possible resolutions that you need to set in the year 2019.

Set realistic goals

This is the most valuable resolution you can make for the year. It is the umbrella covering all other resolutions. Don’t just set pipe dreams that can affect your business or frustrate you. Your New Year goals should be SMART.

S =  Specific

M = Measureable

A = Achievable

R = Realistic

T = Time bound

Upload your business receipt on Hubdoc

The web is everything; with Hubdoc you can extract crème information from your bill, invoices and receipts. This simply means with one login on Hubdoc, there is no need for you to enter and file data and you can manage and view all your documents from your Hubdoc account.

Manage your cash flow effectively

For small business, managing cash flow is a great resolution. Also learn to give bak into the business by investing.

Track mileage with MileIQ

Don’t work hard anymore, work smart.  MileIQ is a smart mileage tracking that works on Android and iOS smartphones that automatically record your drive and classify them into private and business. With MileIQ, your drive and log is automatically captured and you have more time to focus on your business.

Improve your business online presence

With more web users, you still have more clients you haven’t reached out to. It’s the New Year; don’t hesitate to work on expanding your online presence to reach out to more prospects

Pay employee with Wagepoint

Paying employee and managing payroll is important for small businesses. Why not use a smarter method of using

Wagepoint is the perfect app for your business that helps you handle your payroll in compliance with the tax regulations. Set up the app in few hours and make use of the interface to

In summary, the benefits of using Wagepoint include but are not limited to;

  • Making Payslip accessible to employee without need for reprint
  • Setting up the company is in a jiffy.
  • Secured
  • Payment of contractors, hourly and salaried workers

Advisory help with flow

The New Year is always the perfect time for you to get leadership advise, support and constructive feedback for your business. With flow Advisory;

  • Your business develops
  • You have new strategies for developing your business
  • An outsider is available to give you to give you a unique different opinion.
  • Fiscal fitness and accountability
  • Access and Networking
  • Financial Quarterback
  • A sounding board.
  • Secured cash flow
  • Your family is secured

Get invoices and receipts with Xero

You must have heard of the domiciled public software company offering software for cloud base accounting. Xero can be used by medium-sized and small scale business for invoicing, claiming expense, financial reports etc.

Other New Year resolutions that will help your business in the year 2019 include;

  • Putting time for yourself (refresh and live a healthy life, there is more to life than work)
  • Drop what is not working for you and follow what works
  • Give back to the community
  • Learn something new
  • Enhance your tech footprint
  • Join a networking organization
  • Promote your business
  • Have a weekly plan
  • Delegate and do more of it
  • Charge what you are worth
  • Stay focused and productive
  • Improve your digital presence

In conclusion, just like maintaining a good relationship is important, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is also important. Applying the New Year resolutions won’t only make you feel better; it will also have positive impact on your business. So raise your glass and cheer for a great year in business and a whole lot of automation on the year to come!

This year is yours.. Own IT!

The Flow Team

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